Monday, March 2, 2015

The Challenges and Choices of Vision

Daniel 10:7-8
Only I, Daniel, saw this vision. The men with me saw nothing, but they were suddenly terrified and ran away to hide. So I was left there all alone to see this amazing vision. My strength left me, my face grew deathly pale, and I felt very weak.

It is the assignment of every leader to apprehend a vision for the ministry or organization and then to take action on it.  This is not done without some challenges. I want to address two of those challenges and give you a choice you can make to overcome each of them.

Challenge 1
Others don't see the vision that I do for the organization.

Choice 1
Get some guts
For those who have insecurity issues, like me, the fact that someone can't see what you see about the organization can cause you to question the validity of the vision. What's the solution? Get some guts. Look, you're the leader for a're in front of the organization and at the top of it, so you have perspective everyone else doesn't.  A leader, because he or she is in front, sees what's coming before everyone else. If you can't see something new, you can't ever lead your team to somewhere new. So, be bold, be confident, and prove your vision is right by leading your people into it.

Challenge 2
The vision I've been given is intimidating, even to me.

Choice 2
Be fearless
Sometimes the vision we receive for our organization is so tremendous in it's size and scope that it is intimidating. So much so that it could instill fear in the hearts of some....don't let that be you. God doesn't give us neat, tidy, easily attainable goals. He dispenses vision like "go into all the world, preach the gospel to every creature", "heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper, and cast out the devils." Don't run from the massive vision, embrace it. Remember, if it is a God-given vision, you aren't responsible to achieve it, you are responsible only to be obedient because it's not by might, and it's not by power, but it's by the Spirit of The Lord.

Leaders, continually keep yourself in a place where you can apprehend vision, and be diligent to take action on that vision.

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